Democrazily Science

Democrazily Science

OSF believes that science education should extend beyond textbooks and classrooms, reaching every individual in their local context. Through engaging science communication events, we strive to democratize the learning of basic science and cultivate a spirit of curiosity and inquiry. By connecting with the nature that surrounds us, we can unlock a deeper understanding of the world and the scientific principles that govern it. Science is not just a subject, but a social responsibility that empowers communities to shape their future. At OSF, we are dedicated to providing the tools, resources, and opportunities for collective learning, enabling individuals to embrace science in their everyday lives. Under the umbrella of Democrazily Science, Open Space Foundation (OSF) offers a range of engaging programs that promote scientific exploration and environmental consciousness.

 1. Sky Observation: Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of the night sky with OSF’s guided stargazing experiences. Discover the wonders of astronomy through our expert-led sessions. Interested in conducting astronomy sessions? Reach out to our team.

 2. Project Thalir: Join us in our collective effort to raise environmental awareness through Project Thalir. This initiative encompasses various programs, including:

  • Foldscope Workshop: Experience the marvels of science with Foldscope, a cost-effective paper microscope that you can assemble yourself. This innovative tool exemplifies the democratization and decentralization of science and technology.
  • Introduction to Zero Waste Life and Management Techniques: Learn how to embrace a zero-waste lifestyle and become a responsible citizen. Discover practical strategies to reduce waste and make a positive impact on the environment.
  • Food and Agricultural Literacy Program: Gain knowledge about sustainable food practices and agricultural systems. Explore the vital connection between food production, environmental sustainability, and community well-being.

Contact the OSF team to get involved.